Couples therapy
Mindler now offers private couples therapy for you and your partner. Read more about the psychologists who provide couples therapy and how it works.

1. Consultation
Buy a consultation and book an initial session with a psychologist who offers couples therapy. Participate alone or with your partner. The psychologist will book your upcoming appointments.

2. Couples therapy
Buy the session bundle that suits you and use the code you receive by email to pay for the meetings in the app. You as a couple sit together and meet the psychologist in a 50-minute video call.

3. Relationship program
In the app, you work together with our relationship programs. You explore what causes problems in your relationship and do exercises that help you move forward.

Session bundles for couples therapy
After the consultation, each call is 50 minutes long. When you buy a session bundle, you get access to our relationship programs and other iCBT programs in the app. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive an email containing further instructions and important information.
We are here to help you with your relationship
Here are our psychologists who work with couples therapy at Mindler. Read more about them and choose who you want to meet.

Clara Schmitow
Licensed psychologist in Sweden since 2011. I have experience working with child and youth psychiatry, parental support and as a consultant for a child care center. I have a PhD from Uppsala University and I am interested in ADHD and ASD. I believe that learning about how to communicate better, solve conflicts and work with jeaulosy or emotions in general can improve our relationships and life quality. Welcome to couple´s therapy!
Psicóloga licenciada en la UAM, con un doctorado de Uppsala University y con legitimación en Suecia desde el 2011. Me apasiona ayudar a personas en situaciones familiares complejas o con diagnósticos que provocan estrés y problemas en sus relaciones. Creo que todas las parejas pueden mejorar su relación y su calidad de vida aprendiendo a mejorar la comunicación entre ellos, la resolución de conflictos y trabajando con las emociones en general y en algunos casos en particular con los celos. Bienvenidos a terapia de pareja!

Jörgen Frithiof
I have been working as a psychologist for twenty years and was early in my career fascinated by how important our different kinds of relations are for our well-being and possibilities to function properly and possibilities to live the lives we want to live. I have been working with couples therapy and with other types of relationships throughout my career, both in live sessions and video sessions. I adapt my way of working to the problems that are brought to the session, usually with CBT and system theory as base. System theory is based on the idea that the parties in a relation influence one another and the relationship, and are dependent on one another, and that change in a relation can be created only when a change in the existing relationship "balance" is made.
Usually, main focuses in the sessions are communication, conflict management and on what needs to change, strengthen and maintain in the relationship. Welcome to book a session with me!

Jan-Paul Ratajczak
As a couples therapist, I focus on fostering secure and genuine conversations. I provide an open space to listen to you both in order to gain a deeper understanding of your relationship, its strengths, challenges, and interaction patterns. Together, we strive to understand and explore both you as individuals and your relationship.
It is important that you feel seen and that you receive support in identifying and "unpacking" your emotions and needs, as well as witnessing each other's inner processes. Today, there is extensive research on how to improve the quality of romantic relationships. I have thorough training and experience which helps me provide you with strategies and tools to fine-tune your interaction style and increase your connection.
I am passionate about working with couples and have experience to help you through various relationship difficulties such as intimacy, trust issues, addiction, reactive interaction patterns, infidelity, difficulties expressing emotions, vulnerability, mental health issues, and crises related to life changes.

Vicktor Öhlund
My name is Vicktor (He/Him) and I am a psychologist located in Norrbotten. I work with relationship difficulties, which can also include challenges related to emotion regulation, aggression problems, self-esteem, ADHD/ADD/Autism-like difficulties, past traumas, depression, and anxiety. I am also engaged in LGBTQIA+ issues, as well as various subcultures and different ways of forming relationships.
When it comes to relationships, it is never too early to seek help, as there are preventive techniques that can be learned to reduce the risk of the relationship ending up in a bad place in the future. Problems are always easier to solve when they are small. My approach to working with relationships is characterized by finding healthy communication about needs and boundaries, attempting to meet in sustainable ways through compromises, positive reinforcement, and focusing forward with alternative behaviors that replace the undesirable ones.

Cecilia Lindén
I have worked as a psychologist since 2017 and started at Mindler in 2022. When working with couples, I mainly use Emotionally focused therapy (EFT). In EFT, the starting point is that the loved one is our protection in life. When that person is emotionally unavailable, we often become preoccupied with doubt and anything that threatens the relationship. To deal with the fear of losing the bond with our loved one, we often develop strategies - we might pursue or withdraw. To reach each other, we can look at the feelings and needs underneath the strategies and express them openly in a way that both can understand.
For me, it is so important that no one feels judged or unsafe - regardless of whether you are the pursuer or withdrawer.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is iCBT used in couples therapy?
You will get access to an iCBT treatment in the app, specifically created for relationship problems. You will learn more about what you can do to manage relationship problems and prevent them from arising.
The aim is to improve the parts of your relationship that are currently not working as you would like and to build on the strengths you have as a couple. You will practice
conflict management
ways to show appreciation for each other
ways to increase acceptance of yourself and each other
ways to create physical closeness to each other
problem solving.
How long can I attend private therapy?
In private therapy, there are no restrictions on the length of treatment. How long you want to be in therapy and for what is up to you. However, if your psychologist conclude that more sessions will not be helpful for you, they will inform you of this and recommend that you end the contact.
How is couples therapy registered in my medical record?
All healthcare providers are required to note relevant information in your medical record. In couples therapy, the psychologist will keep notes in both medical records.
What is included in the bundles?
The bundles contain five or ten sessions with a psychologist. You'll meet the psychologist together in a video call and each session is 50 minutes long. It is important that you as a couple sit together in the same place for the call. When you buy a bundle, you'll also get access to all iCBT programs in the app for as long as the bundle is valid.
What is the difference between private therapy and treatment within Swedish primary care?
One difference is that in private therapy you can choose how often and for how long you wish to see your psychologist. In primary care, there are certain frameworks governing the length of the treatment, for example.
In private therapy, you can also get help in more areas. For example, you can see a psychologist for occasional counseling sessions or get help with your personal development, which is not possible in primary care. Our bundles for private therapy is also an option if you wish to continue with therapy after your contact in primary care has ended.
Please note that in private therapy, you fund the cost of treatment yourself. High-cost protection and free card do not apply to private therapy.