FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can see a list of the most common questions that we get. If you don’t find an answer to your question you are welcome to reach out to our customer support.
What does it cost to use Mindler?
A patient fee of 100 kr applies for the video session with your psychologist at Mindler. For individuals aged 18–19 and those over 85 years, the visit is free of charge.
Our treatment is included in high-cost protection (högkostnadsskydd), which means that you pay this patient fee until you’ve reached the free card (frikort) limit for your region. When you have reached the limit, you get a free card and pay nothing for your treatment as long as the free card is valid.
Please note that you have to make sure your free card is registered in the app. If you have a digital free card, it should be added automatically.
Read more about high-cost protection and free card on 1177.se (information in Swedish).
How to cancel/reschedule your appointment
You can cancel or reschedule your meeting in the app. It is free of charge up until 24 hours before the appointed time.
If you cancel less than 24 hours before the appointment or if you do not show up to the meeting, you must pay a no-show fee of SEK 410.
What is the duration of a session?
A session with a psychologist is up to 25 minutes.
What is a cost redemption card (frikort)?
Free card/high-cost protection means that you do not pay more than SEK 1400 in patient fee’s over a twelve-month period for your health care.
You can enter your free card number and expiration date as payment when booking your meeting.
If you have an electronic free card you can find your free card details on 1177.se.
If you have not reached the high-cost protection, your patient fees will be registered automatically if you are a resident of a region that is connected to the national service, E-frikort. If your region is not connected, you need to register your receipts at a health care center in your region.
Please find more information about how your region handles free cards on 1177.se.
How does Mindler process my personal data?
Can I use Mindler abroad?
If you are covered by the Swedish social insurance you are entitled to subsidised health care in Sweden. Then you can use Mindler wherever you are, as long as you have access to an internet connection that supports video and audio.
If you are unsure about whether you are covered by the Swedish social insurance system you can contact “Försäkringskassan” (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) to find out.
Which psychologist should I choose?
If you go to book an appointment in the app you can filter amongst all available psychologists after certain specialities.
In accordance with our terms of use it is not allowed to book several psychologists at the same time, but you can change psychologist once if you feel for some reason it is not working between the two of you.
How does your self-help programs work?
When you’re in treatment with Mindler, you work with iCBT programs in the app (iCBT = internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy). We offer a range of programs tailored to address various psychological difficulties, such as anxiety, depression or self-esteem issues. You’ll learn more about your difficulties and do exercises to find strategies and tools that can help you.
Research shows that iCBT is just as effective as face-to-face therapy, so your engagement with these programs is a very important part of your treatment.
Do I get to see the same psychologist every time?
A common question we get is whether you can see the same psychologist during the entire treatment. The answer is yes.
In fact, to get continuity in treatment, it is important that you do not jump around between different psychologists. If for some reason it would not work between you and your psychologist, you can change once.
How old do I need to be to use Mindler?
Required age for booking a call is 18+.
To book an appointment you need to be able to download the app and log in with your own BankID. When you make a booking you will need to pay the patient fee of 100 kronor but you will be refunded afterwards, just send the booking-ID to Support Center via settings after the session is finished.
How do I use the Mindler app?
Download the Mindler app to your smartphone or tablet from the Apple Appstore or Google Play. To download the app you need to have selected Sweden as your region in your phone’s settings and in Apple Appstore/Google Play
Log in and confirm your identity using your BankID. If you haven’t used Mindler before, you must register an account by entering a phone number, a postal address and an e-mail address.
Click on “Jag godkänner användarvillkoren.” [I accept the terms of use]